The Engaged: A Guide to Corporate Social Responsibility for Ukrainian Businesses

What Does the CSR Guide Offer?

  • CSR case studies from Ukrainian businesses during the war
  • a guide for those looking to structure their charitable practices
  • advice on integrating a social mission into business
  • a cooperation roadmap for business and the public sector
  • CSR strategies for businesses
  • steps to understanding the needs of businesses on the one side, and the public sector on the other

Why is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Important?

The Giving Tuesday team conducted research on corporate social responsibility and social impact of businesses to systematize and preserve engagement practices. The latter facilitated the country’s resilience at the beginning of the full-scale invasion and continue to assist it in overcoming new challenges.

Interviews were held with CEOs, marketers, CSR leaders, communications professionals from large and small businesses, initiative authors, foundation co-founders, creative individuals, and advertising agency owners. Some of the insights from these conversations can be found in the Blog of Engagement.

Engaged Community

What will you learn from the guide?

  • Support methods may vary, but the majority of goals are not about PR.
  • Corporate social responsibility is no longer just about "responsibility" as traditionally understood globally. It has evolved into corporate citizenship and social impact.
  • Business and the public sector often struggle to partner due to differing resources and theories of change.

Who Will Benefit from This Guide?

  • Business owners and CEOs looking to implement a social mission into their brand’s strategy
  • Marketers, CSR leaders, and PR professionals who understand the importance of charitable initiatives as a key part of the brand
  • HR managers looking to enhance the employer brand with the most valuable tool
  • Foundations striving to understand what businesses expect from them
  • Anyone willing to make engagement a norm, i.e., a core part of corporate culture